Dental Services in Scarborough

Professional Dental Cleaning in Scarborough

Dental Cleaning in Scarborough

Professional dental cleaning is a preventative treatment performed by our Scarborough dentist at Bellesmere Dental office who thoroughly and gently cleans the teeth and gums using a variety of instruments to catch potentially damaging buildup.

Plaque removal, tartar (also called calculus), both above and below the gum line, can result in severe periodontal problems. Unfortunately, even with proper home brushing and flossing routine, it's impossible to remove all debris, bacteria, and deposits from gums pockets.

The experienced eye of a dentist or dental hygienist can catch things you can't. Apart from preventing periodontal disease dental cleanings can dramatically increase the aesthetics of a smile. Teeth Cleanings are an effective treatment in ridding the teeth of these unsightly stains.

At Bellesmere Dental, we recommend that you schedule a dental cleaning twice annually as a preventative measure, but should be completed every 3-4 months for patients who suffer from gum disease.

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